What is the most spoken language among 華人

Discussions on the Cantonese language.

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by 小鼠鼠 »

hong kong: most ppl speak in cantonese
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by puiwaihin »

The US and Canada:
Cantonese and Toisanese (related dialect) are second to Mandarin.

裴偉軒 Michael Thigpen

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by A-Hiong »

With exception of Vietnam, most of SEA is dominated by Hokkien people...or Minnan. Teochew is in the Minnan family so basically Hokkien is the dominate dialect in SEA besides Mandarin. I believe Mandarin is the most learnt language there. Cantonese is very dominant in Vietnam though.

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by yeo »

Eventhough Hokkiens are numerically very much more compared to Cantonese in SEA, yet the Cantonese dialect seems to be more popular mainly due to the influence of Hong Kong films and TV programs. Hokkiens by and large seem not interested to promote their own dialect. In fact, most of them are discarding their mother tongue in favour of Mandarin and to some extent Cantonese. How disappointing to see the gradual demise of Hokkien dialect in SEA.

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by Louis »

I think in HK, not most of the people, but 99% of Chinese speak in Cantonese. Cantonese is the official language in HK. Arsenii wrote:

> I've heard that it's Hokkien, but in the books it writes that
> it's cantonese. So, which is it?
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by nishishei »

In the US, Australia, Germany, and Japan, many speak Wu Chinese (Shanghainese, Suzhouhua, Hangzhouhua, Ningbohua). But these people can also speak Mandarin, so they are usually just included into Mandarin.


Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by Kelly »

Taiwan= Mandarin and Taiwanese

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by DocLee »

In Malaysia as well as certain parts of Indonesia such as Medan and Jakarta, Philippines and Southern Thailand the Chinese speaks mainly Hokkien. In Malaysia, Cantonese dialects are popular only in originally Tin Mining places such as Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, Hong Kong in the past has caused the effort to unify the Chinese with "Mandarin" a lot of harm due to their selfish attitude in promoting their dialect. It is most unfortunate after the effort of the first emperor of China who successfully unified the Chinese after so much sacrifices and hardship. For future generations, the universally accepted Mandarin should be promoted and not any of the dialects. Disunity created by dialects causes problems and even disputes leading to physical harm as can be seen in many countries such as India. Hope everyone will not be selfish and do their best to promote the already accepted unifying language of the Chinese which is Mandarin. I personally do not speak Mandarin but for the sake of future generation, I am willing to accept it as THE Chinese Language.

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by AlexNg »

I am a malaysian chinese. The most dominant dialect in south east asia and taiwan is hokkien as most of the immigrants there are from the hokkien province.

Minnan/MinPei has a lot of subdialects including teochew, the hokkien subdialect of penang (north malaysia) and johor (south malaysia) is different from each other. These 2 subdialects are even different from those spoken in taiwan(amoy subdialect).

The only country who maybe predominantly cantonese is vietnam due to their proximity to guangdong province (however I have to confirm this later)

As for the united states and canada, the predominant dialect there is cantonese as most immigrants there are from guangdong and hong kong province.

These observations are from my own experiences and research. However, the emergence of china may change things in the future.
martin tan

Re: What is the most spoken language among 華人

Post by martin tan »

da jia hao ma? i m from jakarta indonesia, our country national population census 1961 told us that chinese indonesian(orang tionghoa)total all country from sumatra island to papua island 2,509,339 the details ; hokkiens 53%, hakka 21%,kwongfu(cantonese) 10%,teocew 9%,others(fuzhou,fuqing,hainan,etc..) 7%. hokkiens form majority in java,sumatra,bali,madura,sulawesi,east indonesia islands, hakkas form majority in west kalimantan,acheh,bangka,belitung islands, kwongfu can be found in south kalimantan and several towns in sumatra dan sulawesi, and teocew form majority in riau islands,jambi,west kalimantan, among chinese comunity in sumatra island hokkien is available and medan metroplitan city is hokkien world +- 400,000 chinese of 1,950,000 total city number, among the chinese comunity in java,speaking bahasa ind + hokkien+little bit mandarin is an usual thing, all nativepeople in big cities or towns in java island talking money in hokkien like cet ceng(Rp1,000) gocheng(Rp5,000),cetban(Rp.10,000) goban(Rp50,000) cetteaw(Rp.1,000,000) even the chinese lunar calender,many many words,vocabulary bahasa indonesia(indonesian language) pulled by hokkien,like loteng(upstair),taukeh(boss),gua( i or me) lu(you),tauhu(tofu),hongsui(fengshui) etc, those film from honkong dubbed in mandarin in all country, cantonese is not popular in our country,small number,most nativepeople here learn more hokkien and as they said learning hokkien is easier than mandarin.... finally from my comment ; i am very very agree that mandarin is international language use for chinese world...da jia dou shi hua ren............